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3 Steps for Kitchen Waterproofing

Waterproofing is a critical aspect of kitchen construction or renovation, aimed at safeguarding the structural integrity and longevity of the space. In a kitchen, where water is frequently used, ensuring effective waterproofing is essential to prevent issues such as water damage, mold growth, and deterioration of surfaces. POLYALK WP emerges as a reliable solution, offering a single-component liquid-applied elastomeric membrane renowned for its superior waterproofing and sealing properties. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the meticulous waterproofing solutions for your kitchen using POLYALK WP, ensuring a durable and resilient surface for years to come.


Polyalk WP is an innovative waterproofing solution designed for a wide range of construction and maintenance applications.  Its applications extend to flooring, external walls, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Polyalk WP also finds use in overhead or underground water tanks and other large reservoirs, offering protection against water ingress and damage.

Key Features and Applications

Versatile Use: Polyalk WP is suitable for mortars filling joints of CI or any drainage pipes, serving as a protective coating against sulphate attacks on RCC floorings and substructures.

Compatibility and Durability: It is alkaline, harmonizing well with concrete without facilitating carbonation, and can be mixed with cement to form an impermeable co-matrix film.

Flexibility: Its high flexural strength and exceptional adhesion make it an ideal base waterproofing coat on external walls. It can be applied in moist and damp conditions, such as exteriors and terraces during monsoon seasons, and in water tanks immediately after emptying.

Importance of Kitchen Waterproofing

The kitchen serves as the heart of the home, experiencing high levels of moisture and water exposure daily. Without adequate waterproofing measures, floors, walls, and countertops are susceptible to water infiltration, leading to structural damage, microbial growth, and compromise of hygiene standards. By implementing a robust waterproofing system, homeowners can mitigate these risks, prolong the lifespan of their kitchen, and maintain a clean and healthy environment for food preparation and cooking activities.

Step 1: Proper Drainage System

  • Floor Drain: Install a floor drain in the lowest part of the kitchen floor. This serves as a crucial element to collect and drain any spills or overflows.
  • Slope the Subfloor: Ensure the subfloor slopes slightly (around 1/4 inch per foot) towards the drain. This promotes water flow towards the drain and prevents pooling.

Step 2: Application

The application of POLYALK WP coating involves a systematic approach to achieve comprehensive coverage and optimal performance. Follow these steps for a successful coating application:

  • First Coat Application: Apply the initial coat of POLYALK WP  using a brush, roller, spray, or squeegee, ensuring uniform coverage across all surfaces.
  • Curing Time: Allow the first coat to cure until evenly applied, typically 6-8 hours, before applying the second coat.
  • Second Coat Application: Apply the second coat of POLYALK WP  perpendicular to the first coat, ensuring complete coverage and adequate thickness.
  • Surface Texture Enhancement: Apply two coats of wall putty over POLYALK WP
  • Curing Period: Allow the POLYALK WP  membrane to cure for a minimum of 6-8 hours, depending on ambient conditions, before subjecting it to further construction activities or surface finishes.

Step 3: Precautions

During the application of POLYALK WP, adherence to protective measures and safety precautions is paramount to ensure the applicators’ well-being and the waterproofing system’s efficacy. Consider the following measures:

  • Avoid Dilution: Refrain from diluting POLYALK WP  with water or solvents, maintaining its intended consistency and performance characteristics.
  • Prohibit Smoking: Strictly prohibit smoking in the vicinity during application to mitigate fire hazards and ensure a safe working environment.
  • Proper Ventilation: In confined spaces, provide adequate ventilation or access to fresh air for applicators to prevent inhalation of fumes and promote respiratory health.
  • Surface Inspection: Conduct a thorough inspection of the surface for existing damage or cracks before application, addressing any structural issues to ensure seamless waterproofing.
  • First Aid Preparedness: Equip applicators with necessary first aid supplies and knowledge to address potential incidents or accidents promptly and effectively.

Effective kitchen waterproofing is crucial for maintaining a functional and hygienic space and mitigating water-related issues. Sunanda’s expertise in waterproofing ensures unparalleled sealing and protection for various kitchen surfaces. By following our comprehensive application process and safety protocols, homeowners can trust Sunanda for long-lasting protection and peace of mind. Invest in Sunanda’s solutions for a durable and resilient kitchen environment.

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