Case study of Palais Royale in Mumbai – Corrosion Inhibitor Admixture

Palais Royale Parking Area Project:

Palais Royale is one of the famous residential high-rise tower projects in Worli, Mumbai, India. At 320 metres (1,050 ft), it ranks third as the tallest structure in India.

Parking areas of any residential tower are especially vulnerable to corrosion due to the amount of water and salt deposited in the parking lots by vehicles.

Chlorides and carbonation endanger the passivation layer of iron hydroxides on the steel surface, and as a result, corrosion of the steel surface takes place.

For the above problems, corrosion inhibiting admixtures reduce corrosion activity and help increase the service life of concrete structures like highways, multi-storey car parks, jetties, piers, mooring dolphins, and sea walls. 


The Application:

The contractors assigned to the project specified Sunanda Global’s corrosion inhibiting admixture technology for the entire parking area of Palais Royale.

Corrosion inhibitors are admixtures that decrease the corrosion rate of steel rebars exposed to chlorides.


The simple application and the expert technical support provided by Sunanda Global during the execution of the project made the contractors happy with us.