Case study of Central Vista in New Delhi – Integral Crystalline Waterproofing Admixtures

Introduction to the Central Vista in New Delhi:

The Central Vista Redevelopment Project, near Raisina Hill in New Delhi, aims to revitalize India’s central administrative precinct.

This architectural ensemble, conceived during British colonialism,  remains under India’s custodianship post-independence.

The project, spanning from 2020 to 2026,  aims to revamp Kartvyapath, a 3 km (1.9 mi) corridor from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate.

This endeavour includes:

  • repurposing the North and South Blocks into publicly accessible museums
  • establishing a new centralized Secretariat to accommodate all government ministries
  • constructing a modernized Parliament building alongside the existing one to accommodate future growth
  • creating new residential and office spaces for the Vice President and Prime Minister in proximity to the North and South Blocks
  • converting select historic structures into museums, further enriching the cultural landscape of the area
Central Vista

The Need for Waterproofing Solutions:

As construction progresses, ensuring infrastructure longevity and resilience is crucial.

The Central Vista project in New Delhi requires meticulous attention, especially regarding structural integrity.

Despite its vastness and varied architecture, the site poses unique challenges, notably the risk of water infiltration.

Substructures are particularly vulnerable to water ingress due to their subsurface positioning.

It is imperative to implement waterproofing solutions to combat this issue effectively.

Integral crystalline waterproofing admixtures, crucial for protecting against moisture and ensuring infrastructure longevity, emerged as the cornerstone of this project.

Sunanda Global’s Contribution for Central Vista Project:

Sunanda Global shines as a leader in waterproofing solutions, offering unparalleled excellence.

Renowned for innovation and quality, Sunanda Global supplied crucial waterproofing admixtures for New Delhi’s Central Vista project.

Sunanda delivered a tailored solution adeptly, utilizing advanced technology and expertise to endure construction challenges.

The project focused on durability, efficiency, and sustainability. Therefore, Sunanda Global’s waterproofing admixtures became the preferred option for fortifying the project’s substructures.

Harnessing Advanced Waterproofing Technology for Central Vista Project:

Integral crystalline waterproofing admixtures signify a revolutionary advancement in the realm of waterproofing technology.

Conventional coatings rely on surface treatments. But, integral waterproofing admixtures deeply penetrate concrete, creating an impenetrable barrier against moisture. They do so by forming an impermeable barrier against moisture ingress.

The admixtures create non-soluble crystals by a catalytic reaction with the concrete substrate. This crystal formation effectively seals pores and capillary tracts.

This intrinsic waterproofing ensures long-term protection despite fluctuating water tables and high hydrostatic pressure.

Additionally, the self-healing properties of these admixtures mitigate the risk of cracks, preserving the structural integrity of the infrastructure.

Application Across Diverse Environments:

Integral crystalline waterproofing admixtures are utilized globally in versatile applications beyond the Central Vista project.

With unmatched performance, these admixtures excel in diverse applications, from reservoirs to parking structures.

Their resilience to hydrostatic pressure, waterborne chemicals, and concrete shrinkage makes them indispensable in modern construction.

Integrative crystalline admixtures excel in waterproofing, whether as coating or dry shake, showcasing reliability and efficiency.

Ensuring Sustainable Infrastructure:

In an era of environmental consciousness, sustainability emerges as a guiding principle in construction projects.

Integral crystalline waterproofing admixtures align seamlessly with this ethos, offering a sustainable solution for infrastructure protection.

By improving durability, these admixtures lessen repair frequency and material waste, thus cutting carbon footprint.

Furthermore, their reactivation in the presence of moisture ensures long-term efficacy. This process contributes to the infrastructure’s longevity and fosters sustainable development practices.


The Central Vista project in New Delhi exemplifies India’s dedication to modernization and progress, showcasing its commitment on an international scale.

Integrating crystalline waterproofing admixtures highlights a proactive stance on protecting infrastructure in this ambitious project.

Sunanda’s contribution to this project exemplifies innovation and excellence. This result sets a benchmark for waterproofing solutions in the construction industry.

The Central Vista project exemplifies the synergy of technology and sustainability in shaping future infrastructure, emphasizing waterproofing excellence.